Material Handler

Kimco Steel Sales Limited is looking for full time Material Handler at 1325 John Counter Blvd Kingston ON K7L 4W1 Canada. There are 2 positions available. Main duties are as follows but not limited to Load unload and move products and materials by hand or using basic material handling equipment Move household appliances and furniture onto and off moving trucks or vans Perform other material handling activities such as counting weighing sorting packing and unpacking. Operate winches and other loading devices to load and unload materials onto and off trucks railway cars and loading docks of warehouses and industrial establishments Operate industrial trucks tractors loaders and other equipment to transport materials to and from transportation vehicles and loading docks and to store and retrieve materials in warehouses Operate equipment to dump metal materials or to remove materials from railway cars trucks or other vehicles Operate conveyors and equipment to transfer metal or other materials from transportation vehicles to elevators bins or other storage areas May perform other activities such as opening containers and crates filling warehouse orders assisting in taking inventory and weighing and checking materials. Sorting scrap material and feeding scrap metal onto the shredder in-feed using a Material Handler Excavator Hours of work are 44 hours week. Work hours can be anytime during the morning day evening or night. Pay is 19 hour. Successful candidates must speak English and have completed high school. Minimum work experience is 2 years hands on experience. Please send resumes via email to doug(at)



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