Adjustable Sofa Bed Lounge Futon Couch Leather Beds 3 Seater Cup

The sofa is supported with heavy-duty chrome steel strong and tough to withstand a combined weight capacity of 200kg. Exterior is reinforced with PVC leather highly durable to withstand regular usage. Built with extra thick well-ventilated seating cushion for comfortable and peaceful sofa time. For added convenience it comes with three adjustable backrest positions simply choose a one that suits your preference. If you feel like taking a nap With our sofa you can transforms into a bed within minutes. Provided with foldable middle panel for those times when you need more room for yourself.Place your favorite drinks in its ergonomic cup holder enjoy the moment to its fullest. Sit back and rest your arms on its cushions with ease. Whether watching a movie browsing your phone having a conversation taking a nap or just hanging out a product that is suitable for any occasion any time. A sofa a bed a masterpiece. Start relaxing Order your sofa now.Key FeaturesSleek and practical Space-saving 3-seatersofa bed High quality material Extra thick seat cushioning Foldable middle panel Two cup holders Three adjustable backrest positions Two detachable hook-and-loop armrests Easy assembly SPECIFICATIONFrame material WoodenSeat material PVC leatherFilling material FoamLeg material Chrome steelWeight capacity 200kgSeat thickness 12cmClearance under seat 15cmDimension (L x W x H) Flat 180cm x 100cm x 35cmUpright 180cm x 84cm x 81cmCup holder panel 50cm x 43cm x 8cmColour BlackPACKAGE CONTENTS1x 3-Seater Sofa Bed 1 Set x Assemble Kits 1x Instruction Manual



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