Younger to own me

I had a fuck buddy. He was my friend for years .he went to Mexico but he didn t come back .lost his visa. Thats was years ago . Years ago he tricked me drinking whiskey. Don t get me wrong I look straight as he ll. I not a transginer or wear girls clothes. But he thought it would be fun to fuck me in a girls bikini with a long tshirt covering everything. Yeah sure why not I trust u .some friends stopped by I open the door tshirt hiding everything.we were just watching porn movies together he dropped the remote control i bent over to get he pull my shirt up . Everyone saw the bikini bottom on me . I said oh fuck martin . The friends laughed and called me martins girl . We will not tell anyone if u stay in the bikini on the couch watching porn . . He took a photo. Your my pussyboy slave I wont show the pic to anyone lf u lay in front of me on are couch pull your panties down just butt I fuck u slowly. He did and said everytime I come over I dress u slave and use your holes . For years he humiliated me . . And dressed me everytime to do everything to me . . Being a toy slave became fun . So looking for younger guys to take his place . I want to be someone s slave and be humiliated infront of your friends. U must be thin build smooth body really cute. White or latino. Asain ill be in a bikini forever under my guy clothes. U can dress me anyway u choose to .my clothes belong to u . I sux and lick your asshole 24_7 mart n would make me do this them tell doggie stile panties down fuck u slave . So if your interested let me no .



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