24372 1987 Rolls-Royce Corniche II Convertible

Desirable 1987 Rolls-Royce Corniche II Convertible This highly collectible 1987 Rolls-Royce Corniche II Convertible is an excellent original example that sports a striking color combination. Burgundy metallic with tan leather interior. Showing 74k miles it starts right up and drives but would benefit from servicing at this time. It has nice paint and chrome and the power top works as it should. The soft-top seam needs repair as do the wooden door caps. The seats could also use some attention. One quick dye of the seats refurbish the drivers door wood do a bit of mechanical work and you have a good driver quality Corniche. A superb value and offered at a bargain price. A very exciting opportunity for any Rolls-Royce enthusiast. Don t miss the chance to own this classic and iconic Rolls-Royce. Price 46 500



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