Huge Openings For Production Engineering 2022

Huge Openings For Production Engineering 2022Job SummaryWe are looking for Candidates the Production and Quality Engineers the Manufacturing Company. Production Engineers have an extensive knowledge and expertise about the Manufacturing and Production process Immediate jobs in Chennai.Job Duties And Responsibilities Develop process improvements to effectively utilize equipment and materials to maximize production. Establish safety procedures and environmental regulations for employees. Develop and establish quality procedures and systems for inspecting plans quality trends statistical plan price estimates and technical quality proposal plans.DesignationGET (Graduate Engineering Trainee) and NEEM On RoleYear Of Passing2017 2018 2019Experience0 - 3yr.Salary12k to 15kNature Of JobProduction Quality and Maintenance EngineeringBenefits PF & ESI Free Food & Transport Skills - AutoCAD CATIA MS-Office and MS-Excelregards INDHU -HR 89396 and 40910



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