CDL B Driver Needed

V3 Transportation is looking for drivers that are willing to go Over The Road.Must be willing to stay out for 3 week average. Have a CDL A or B for a expedited straight truck - No Experience Needed Sprinter driver....current class D drivers license Teams needed Contact ASAP 14 hour Training Team Needed - If you have a CDL A or B and want to train your partner that has a permit. We can help Be at least 22 years of age Be able to read write understand and speak the English language At all times behave courteously and professionally Be authorized to work in the United States and Have a State issued Commercial Drivers License with appropriate endorsements. Verifiable experience varies by asset type Clean Driving Record Be in good health with no medical restrictions and the ability to pass a physical exam and pre-employment drug test. Operate with service and Safety as a priority . Benefits Great Compensation package 50% load on comdata card Fuel and tire discount program Fuel surcharge No upfront money required Satellite Communications 99% no-touch freight Fuel taxes calculated and filed Trans-flo No forced dispatch Open door policy Passenger policy 24-hour dispatch Direct Deposit Improved Web Tools Tolls Reimbursed



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