Black and Tan miniature dachshund puppy

Our beautiful family pet Lily (silver dapple) has given birth to 4 lovely miniature dachshunds. Dad Loki (Isabella and tan) is also our family pet and can be viewed with the puppies.All puppies are hereditary PRA clear. Puppies are being raised in a family environment around young children. They are ready to leave from 12th August. They will be regularly wormed microchipped and will receive a vet health check and their first vaccines prior to leaving. All puppies will leave with pack with everything you will need to settle your new member of the family as well as a sales contract for your own security and peace of mind.Viewing of puppies (in person or FaceTime) are recommended.AVAILABLEx1 Black and Tan boy showing for piebald (red collar).RESERVEDx2 Black and Tan boys.x1 Silver dapple girl.All puppies will carry blue and chocolate.All puppies may carry pied longhair and cream.We will require a non refundable deposit of 20 to secure the puppy of your choice. Please send me a message for more information or to arrange a viewing



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