KandG Career Academy - 3-Week Classes

Online Medical Office Assistant You can transition to a new career from the comfort of your living room. K& G Career Academy offers a nationally approved Medical Office Assistant course. The certificate program in Medical Office Administration gives students an overview of health care operations health care office applications medical office and patient administration medical insurance and payment diagnostic and procedural coding and medical law and ethics. Do you need a career change that is quick and timeless The goal of this course is to teach students medical office assistant skills and procedures in order to prepare them for the licensing test to work in the profession. Medical office assistants are multi-skilled professionals that help with administration clinical care and management. Why you should register for Medical Office Administration classes Nationally approved Open enrollment. Register and start any time. Professional resume assistance Job placement assistance Affordable price at 500 Five star ratings If you are interested please contact us today Learn more s www.kgcareeracademy.com online-medical-office-assistant KG Career AcademyCall or Text 877-861-6621kgcaeeracademy.com



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