CROWDFUNDING Lucrative Fundraising Platforms

Word of the day Luke 6 38 Give & it shall be given unto you... President Barack Obama signed into affect the JOBS ACT in 2012 that created Crowd Funding which created Donation-Based platforms like GoFundMe Learning Tree Our Own Rescue and many more...Americans are now free to create our own economy giving & receiving cash donations to each other to pay off Bills & Debt Here s how you can get started Sowing Reaping Giving Receiving... Info (at) ourownrescue learningtree Join (at) Our Own Rescue Learning Tree - Welcome Todays economy dictates a recession & inflation that is gettingworse every day costs go up but your check(fixed income) staythe same or goes away altogether HELP is available Regardless of what didn t work in the past click on the links above...Crowd Funding helping each other Teamwork makes Dreamwork



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