6 Irish doodles health puppies

I am proud to announce the arrival on the 30th June 2022 of 6 healthy puppies. We have 1 female and 5 males.We have just place two new pictures of our beautiful puppies 2nd of August more pictures to follow.NicknamesTiny lovely little chappy very noisy Princess loves playtime and stands up against the boysOliver lives cubblesCharlie cheeky chappyRed lovely play timesBuster when he s dreaming he s always running in themAll puppies are a mix between red and apricot in colour with traces of white shining through.Mum is a KC Registered Red Setter -Hereditary Clear and Dad is KC Registered Standard White Poodle- Hereditary Clear.Both parents are much loved family pets with amazing personalities and temperatures. Both are socialised around adults children and other dogs.All puppies will be house trained and brought up within a lovely family home.All our puppies will be fleas wormed micro-chipped have their first vaccination and full health check.



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