Realtor-Russian Ukrainian Bulgarian

Maryna Milchevska Real Estate Agent in Sacramento and Placer countyDRE 02053265(818) 641-7767As a Real Estate Agent working in Sacramento and Placer county I would like to bring more value to my customers. Because of this I work with different loan officers who can help different types of clients in order to fulfil their needs.I work with loan officers who work with the following programs USDA loan (rural 0% down payment) Veteran Loan (0 % down payment) Low income home loan options including down payment assistance programs and 10% for closing cost and down payment Light docs No docs loan-might help for non-residents light check on financial documents FHA loan-low down payment Conventional loan- low down payment Lease to own listings and programs.Please be advised this is summary only. Please call me at (818) 641-7767 in order to discuss which program will better fulfil your needs and our trusted lender will help you to get preaproval prequalification.Our team speaks Russian Ukrainian Bulgarian and English languages.



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