Mini Bulldog Puppies

I am a Reputable breeder and I have 5 stunning beautiful mini bulldog puppies 2 females are already spoken for. They were born June 28th 2022They are 6 weeks old will be ready to go in a couple weeks This wonderful breed makes great family pets they re full of energy and will keep you on your toes they have so much love to offer and they are well socialized very playful each one has her own cute little personality that will make you smile and have you falling in love with them. Both parents have excellent temperaments mom is on site so you will meet her I do not own the father. Breed Olde Boston Bulldogee X Olde English Bullodgee Max weight 25lbs -47lbs 1 )Tan male - Available2) Dark Brindle female - Available3) Dark brindle female - Available4) tan female - reserved5) black brindle - reserved Picture 4 DadPicture 5 Mom A non-refundable 500 deposit fee is required to secure your puppyMy vet is fully booked up therefore puppies will receive their 1st vaccination on September 1st if you choose to have vaccination done yourself with your vet as puppies will be ready to go August 23rd that s is up to you. Vaccinated 1500Unvaccinated 950.00 Pictures don t do these cuties justice once you see them in person you will fall in love If you are interested in one of my pups please contact me for information regarding my babies id be happy to answer all your questions.



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