PR 1318836Production Operator

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Bardstown Kentucky 40004 is currently hiring a PR 1318836 Production Operator Job Description Production Operator PeopleReady ofBardstown KY is now hiring Production Operators As a Production Operator you will assemble and inspect products and ensure that manufactured products meet quality standards. Apply today and you could start as soon as tomorrow. No resume or interview required - yep you read that right. As a PeopleReady associate you ll benefit from The freedom to work where you want when you want and as often as you want. Next-day pay for many of our open positions. The ability to choose long-term positions for steady work or short-term positions if you just want some extra cash. The ability to sign up for jobs right from our mobile app JobStack Pay Rate The pay rate for this job is 17 - 18 hour What you ll be doing as a Production Operators Prepare product for shipment according to product guidelines and customer requirements including cleaning Inspecting assembling decorating and stacking collapsible shipping crates of all sizes. Work in a safe and efficient manner using all personal protective and safety equipment required and followingall safety guidelines. Read and understand all product related documents such as the product guidelines quality alerts safety alerts standard work documents customer option sheets and quality objectives along with the using first piece as avisual aid. Clean trim and assemble components using hand tools and perform fit form and function as required. Maintain a continuous repeat cycle of production packaging to avoid the buildup of parts at the workstation. Ensure quality of the finished product to ensure the highest level of quality and customer satisfaction. Train other employees and new hires and assist other departments as needed. Work in a safe and efficient manner using all personal protective safety equipment and devices that arerequired in accordance with all STW documentation (if STW is not developed for any process within this job proper training techniques must be followed). Be actively involved in Continuous Improvement promote and sustain any and all CI 5S and STW activities. Other duties as assigned Available shifts Shift Timings All Available Job requirements Safety sensitive position - ability to work in a constant state of alertness and a safe manner.



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