BookkeeperOffice Manager

My name is Tony and I m the owner of Auto Glass Family own and have been in business for 20 years and we are at the point we need to expand but looking for the right person to help organize and structure the business better Experience Requirements Will be running the whole day-to-day operations of the business. Minimum 5 to 10 years of Booking Accounting Quickbooks. Insurance Financing Contracts. Inventory Management (Needs to be prepared to start and keep organized by the supplier and part will eventually turn into an Online Store). Human Resources (updating files and contracts). We are looking for the following Qualities Hires trains and motivates all dealership department managers. Directs and monitors all dealership management or supervisory personnel functions and completes formal performance evaluations of all department managers at regularly scheduled intervals. Plans dealership operations for the coming year and submits to the dealer for approval. Meets with the comptroller office manager monthly to review departmental forecasts for consistency with the annual forecast. Meets with managers individually to develop monthly and annual goals and objectives and to review actual performance. Monitors the daily operating control (DOC) recommending improved courses of action where necessary. Provides dealers with accurate weekly reports on the financial condition of the dealership. Ensures that the monthly financial statement is accurate and submitted to the factory on time. Develops and maintains a good working relationship with lending institutions and manufacturer personnel. Communicate management policies and procedures to all employees and ensure they are understood and followed. Provides enthusiastic leadership to help shape employees attitudes and build morale. Holds regularly scheduled managers meetings to ensure that every department is operating efficiently and profitably. Reviews all requests for training approves those which are appropriate and consistent with the dealership s goals for professional technical ability and advancement and monitors their effectiveness. Monthly Quarterly and Yearly reviews of the business to see wins and losses. Including loans and mortgages Reviews and approves compensation plans for all employees. Coordinates with the business office to ensure that records and analyses are maintained accurately. Develops merchandising strategies and assists in creating effective cost-efficient advertising programs. Resolves any customer complaints that department managers are unable to rectify. Other tasks as assigned. Please Email Your Resume To TMegaly.TM(at) Call or Text 718-930-9855 for a faster response.Must Provide Proof Of Vaccination & Please Covid Test Before Coming In.



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