ABKC American Bully puppies

ABKC American Bully puppies11 weeks old and ready for furever homes Pups needs to go ASAP6 males 3 females left Parents of puppies are large dogs pups are expected to be around 100 lbs at maturity. The sire (dad) of the pups is a direct import from Oregon and now lives in Hawai i. The dam (mom) of the pups is of imported lines from California as well. Pedigree has some of the most well known kennels in the world such as Bossy Kennels Monster Bully Kennels Mega Built Bullies Primeyard s and Coleone s.Puppies have gotten their first vaccinations are dewormed and microchipped. Puppies will go to their furever homes clean and parasite free. For any questions feel free to message me I m happy to help



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