Sweet Bella Jade is Looking for a Loving Home

Bella Jade is a sweet smart loving dog who we got last September as a foster. She somehow became part of our family. It breaks my heart to think of rehoming her but it s the best thing for her. She was only a few months old when we got her so she is a little over a year old. She has been spade and is up to date on her shots. Bella makes a good inside pet but also likes to be outside. She thinks she is a lap dog even tho she s grown. She is great with my grandkids and other dogs except my german shepherd that I have had longer than any of my furbabies. They clash for some reason. That is why I need to find her a new loving home. I don t know how she d do with cats as she s never been around them. But she got along with our foster dogs and my other 2 dogs just not the one shepherd. I was told she is part boxer part tree walking coonhound. She is puppy pad trained and is good on a leash. She will go potty outside if someone is there to take her out. She has spent most of her life indoors even sleeping with me but outside she s ok with using a doghouse. She has never bit anyone except the german shepherd once. She loves people even strangers. She will bark to let you know if someone s outisde that doesn t belong. She loves sitting on the couch looking out the window. The first picture is her at the vet she was very well behaved. If Bella sounds like the perfect furbaby for you send me a text and we can talk further. 806-317-9669



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