One-stop studio where we create and capture magical moments of y

Presenting to you The Kidz Foto Garage, a one-stop studio where we create and capture magical moments of you and your child. At Kidz Foto Garage we believe in the authenticity of each moment, hence all you need to worry about is having the perfect time with your child. Setting up indoor or outdoor scenarios is the responsibility of our well trusted professional photographers, who will provide you with the best cinematic experience of your lifetime. For more than a decade our professional photographers have been the go-to choice for parents with newly born children. We continue to provide exceptional services and be a trusted creator of your excellent memories. PACKAGES PACKAGE 1 Rs. 13, 000 /- 4 Hours Photoshoot Sets All Photoshoot Props A/C Dressing Room Complimentary Mineral Water, Tea, Soft Drinks, and Snacks PACKAGE 2 Rs. 16, 000 /- 6 Hours Photoshoot Sets All Photoshoot Props A/C Dressing Room Complimentary Mineral Water, Tea, Soft Drinks, and Snacks PACKAGE 3 Rs. 20, 000 /- 8 Hours Photoshoot Sets All Photoshoot Props A/C Dressing Room Complimentary Mineral Water, Tea, Soft Drinks, and Snacks Address: Plot No.121, Road-2A, Shilpa Enclave Chanda Nagar Colony, Bandam Kommu Hyderabad -500050 Contact us: 7075189289 Visit us: Email:[email protected]



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