HVAC Business for sale

The Affordable Business Partner. A better way to buy & sell businesses in Alberta Business For Sale by Owner Services... Small Business ...Commercial Properties...Franchises...Asset Sales . Who can we introduce you to Northern B.C. HVAC Company Investment Level 899 000 Purchase Price includes Land & BuildingBusy BC HVAC Company is now available for purchase. This business would be an ideal fit for a plumber gas fitter who is ready to raise her his family in a smaller city and quieter BC community. This city of approx. 15 000 offers a wide range of amenities shopping and private as well as all popular franchised eating establishments. It is surrounded by incredible outdoor space perfect for the family who enjoys the outdoors.This well-known business was first started in 2012 as a one-person operation and since then has grown in staff client base and revenues. Its main revenue come from providing Commercial & Residential furnace installation service and repair. It is a proud certified Lennox Dealer. The owners have now decided that it is time for them to try something new. They will spend the proper amount of time with the successors of this business to ensure a smooth transition. For a family looking for a change in lifestyle they should take the time to learn more about this opportunity and the owners story.Business at a glance. Building & Property Value 400 000 Gross sales (2019) 1 040 245 2020) 1 162 248 (2021) 1 168 801 Discretionary Income (2019) 204 500 (2020) 223 044 (2021) 204 500 Business net income (2019) 107 000 (2020) 88 000 (2021) 123 000 Number of staff 3 ( Plus 2 owners) Years in operation 9More detailed information will be available for interested parties once a buyer s profile and NDA has been completed.



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