9 yr Persian Teacup cat Elsa

Elsa also known as Fluff is a 9-year-old white fluffy long-haired Persian Teacup. She is your typical Persian cat loves attention is extremely vocal and is very docile. A family member purchased her from a breeder when she was a kitten. I do not have contact with the breeder or family member. When she turned 7 she became solely my responsibility. Now that she is older she is racking up vet bills that I cannot afford. I m looking to find somebody to take care of her and all her needs. I also have a dog which Elsa does not get along with. My dog wants to play with my cats and Elsa being the very docile cat she is does not fight back. Their relationship has gotten better due to my intervention but it s always something I worry about. So a home without dogs is ideal. Or dogs that are well-behaved around cats are fine. We also have a dog door that Elsa uses. When she comes back from the outdoors sometimes she is covered in seeds sticks. She also gets skin irritations from going outside. So an indoor home is ideal. I simply do not have the time or money it takes for this cat. She requires brushing daily. I took her to the vet recently and they wanted to do bloodwork x rays. 700 that I could not afford. I spent around 500 on meds food vaccinations etc. to help her. It seemed to help at first but now her health issues are coming back. She cannot control when she goes number 2 anymore. She has very few teeth left. I give her a can of wet food every day. She s such a friendly cat loves everyone and lets you pick her up. This is an extremely hard decision to make but it s what is best for her. She is up to date on vaccinations. I have her on prescription wet food and some will come with her. I m looking for a serious home where she can receive the proper attention



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