Rpet bag, felt bag, pvc bag, flour bag, pla bag, pet non woven b

Zhejiang Hotop Technology Co, .Ltd is a one-stop professional manufacturer of Eco-friendly bag products, with more than 14 years of experience in the production of environmental bags. The registered capital is 16.88 million RMB, the total investment in fixed assets reached more than 8 million RMB. The company covers an area of 3, 000 square meters, with more than 50 technical and production staffs. The factory has development department, quality control, warehouse, material preparation, packaging department and other departments. At present, At present, we have 16 ultrasonic hot pressing machine and 32 sewing machines, 10 production lines and We develop two new products each month, with an annual production capacity of up to 30 million bags. ABOUT PRODUCT: PP Woven Bag/ woven polypropylene bags As the leading manufacturer of high quality in pp woven bag and non woven bag in China. We have more than 10year experience in this range. Complete Production line from samples making to mass products and final shipment. Follows the concepts of high quality, low cost, eco-friendly, customer-center and considerate service in the management. CONTACT US Web: www.bagglobalsupplier.com/ www.bagglobalsupplier.com/ Products Tel: + 86 15857769278 Email: [email protected] Address: F-02-3 District Binhai New industrial Estate, Pingyang county, Wenzhou city, Zhejiang, China



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