Tulip monsella sector 53 gurgaon - affordable bhk flats

Highlights of Sector 53 of Tulip Monsella ? Preferred location: Bang on Golf Course Road with 360° views. ? 4 newly opened towers (G+ 36 and G+ 40 floors high). ? 2 clubhouses: the first is on G+ 4 and the second is on the 41st floor on the 1- Lakh square foot. ft. with first-class amenities. ? 2.5-hectare sports complex. ? Quiet area with yoga and meditation platform. ? Tulip Monsella Apartments Sector 53 Gurgaon Spread over approx. 20 hectares. ? Four apartments on each floor. ? Large entry foyer. ? Overflow balconies with 8ft wide terrace. ? Premium multi-story office and retail space over 1 Lac Sq. feet of social centers. ? Four high-speed elevators for each tower plus an additional service elevator have also been installed. Amenities of Tulip Monsella Apartments ? Ground floor retreat pool. ? Private elevator with access control. ? Sky Hub with social welfare and relaxation areas. ? Gated community with central CCTV Surveillance System. ? Wellness area with spa and gym. ? Underground parking on 3 levels without vehicle traffic on the ground floor. ? High-speed elevators along with forklifts. ? Tulip Monsella Sector 53 has a concierge service in the main tower entrance lobby. ? Bike path and jogging tracks with LED lights. ? Private lawn for parties and elevated walkway. ? Large bedrooms and open terrace.



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