Administrative Assistants

R-Four Contracting Ltd. dba R-Four Contracting is looking for qualified Administrative Assistants to join our team. Job DescriptionEmployer R-Four Contracting Ltd. dba R-Four ContractingJob Title Administrative AssistantBusiness address 7185 11th Ave. Burnaby BC V3N 2M5Working Location 7185 11th Ave. Burnaby BC V3N 2M5Terms of Employment Permanent Full-timeCompensation 23.10 25.50 hourHours of Work 30 40 hours weekVacant 2Benefits We offer a benefits package that is available after six month probation period has been completed. This package includes life insurance extended health care vision care and dental care. This extended benefits package does not replace the Provincial Medical Plan. Job Duties - Receive and respond to daily emails from employers colleagues and contractors.- Handle requests for information and date.- Answer and direct incoming telephone calls and messages.- Resolve administrative problems and inquiries.- Audit site employee hours and correspond with office staff.- Arrange and coordinate safety meetings.- Coordinate maintenance of office and site equipment and inventory. Job Requirements- Education & Experience Completion of secondary school with 1-2 years of relevant experience ORCompletion of a one or two-year college diploma.- Language Functional English language is required for this position. How to Apply E-mail rfourads(at) We appreciate the interest of all candidates however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.



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