Copper profile and copper shape, copper rod, copper sheet, coppe

We were established on May 18th, 1996, and now have been a large-sized enterprise with abundant economic strength, our company covers more than 13, 000 m2, and total investment is more than CNY 30, 000, 000. We are specialized in manufacturing non-ferrous metal products such as copper ( sheet, bar, row, band ); oxygen free copper ( sheet, bar, row, band ); copper silver alloy ( sheet, bar, row, band ); tellurium copper ( sheet, bar, row, band ); profiled copper and so on with D400*800mm rolling mill, large electric furnace, 30t row pulling machine, 1250t extruder and duplex electrolysis instrument, loop resistance tester and spectrophotometer, etc., which are all made by manufacturers appointed by the former ministry metallurgy. We have insisted in the operating tenet of ? modest and gentle for mutual benefit, sincere and faithful people-oriented?, sprit of service of ?quality first and user first?, kept improving our operating and managing system. Our most popular items are corrugated roller, ceramic anilox roller, anti-stick roller, wire drawing parts, valve gates and hydraulic rods. Our advantage: Wisdom manufacturing unit possesses a fully integrated production infrastructure. CONTACT US Website: Tel: + 86 574 88369598 Tel: + 86 l52 58l8 32l2 Email: [email protected] Address: HQ & Material Division: No. 2577 Tongtu Road, High-Tech District, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China Machining Base: No. 96 Mujin Road, High-Tech District, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China



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