Desktop Support Tech

Desktop Support Tech needs 8-10 years of related working experience Desktop Support Tech requires Travel up to 25% of time Associate Bachelor s degree in Science Technology 8-10 years of related working experience Above excellent customer service and teamwork skills Willingness and ability to work overtime as needed In-depth knowledge of applicable technologies in order to provide the highest tier of problem diagnosis and resolution of systems hardware and software Desktop Support Tech duties Design configure install administer and support Microsoft Windows network servers and workstations and Windows remote clients with emphasis on security performance and efficiency. Work on operating system repair updates installations Windows 10 Windows 7 Mac OS X. Worked hardware break-fix mother boards hard drives laptop displays complete system builds Skilled in different types of computer hardware software peripherals and components networking protocols and communications Install and image new computers and loading appropriate software for customers Install local and network printers and other peripherals and configuration of same Migrate data and user profiles Document process and procedures related to technical field support activities Manage tasks without supervision exceed schedule and service agreements strong ability to write technical documentation that is easily understood by co-workers and customers Desktop Support and Security for Local and Remote users Develop and implement process for completion of software compliance project Troubleshoot and technical support of client server systems Workstation software hardware upgrades updates and license management



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