Liberty Tax School

Liberty is an international leader in the income tax industry. Our course is designed to teach the fundamentals of personal income tax preparation and excellent preparation for preparing taxes for yourself and others. This course is tuition free the only cost is for books and materials.Day and Evening classes are available for your convenience.Our classes fill up fast so please do not delay in responding. We will contact you prior to the first class to confirm your registration and answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact our office at any time. We look forward to seeing you at tax school Our 10 week Classes are MONDAY THURSDAY 6pm to 9pm in our Hutchinson Location 101 Main Street Hutchinson MN 55350 TUESDAY FRIDAY 9am to 12pm also in our Hutchinson Location 101 Main Street Hutchinson MN 55350We hire out of our Tax Classes for all LocationsThere is a Book FeeWe look forward to you joining our team.



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