Indoor trampoline, outdoor and indoor playground, spring rider a

Wenzhou Tongle amusement equipment, creating happiness, no matter when and where, children?s dreams are the driving force of our company; where there are children, there are dreams of having fun. Tongle Amusement Co., Ltd. will use the natural and refined character to show the charm and create the brand. Lead the new trend of the education equipment industry and serve the new direction of China s education development. Wenzhou Tongle Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 2012. We specialize in the design, development, production and sales of indoor playground?indoor trampoline, outdoor playground, spring rider and outdoor fitness equipment. The products have passed the inspection of the National Quality Supervision and Inspection Center and hold ISO14001, ISO18000, ISO9001, GS Certificate and other certificates. Products are exported to more than 80 countries including the United States, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, and Canada.



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