DESCRIPTIONHone your shooting trapping and aiming skills with your soccer rebounder. Practice by yourself. Come to team practice sessions a step ahead of the game. Master one touch passing.Quickly set up your football rebounder for your kids in the backyard. Peg it into the lawn then let them play and practice to their heart s content. Watch them grow in confidence over the days and months.Practice makes perfect. Practice a lot with your soccer net. Your pop up goals will stand with you for many many hours of practice over the years. Sharpen your aim and accuracy until you can challenge Messi.If you have some flat space you can carry and set-up your portable soccer goals. You can even use them inside if you have something to weigh it down. Carry it in the included bag wherever you need.Challenge the greatest champion you know. Challenge yourself. Stop wasting energy chasing runaway balls. Focus on fun practice. Train in your backyard down at the park on the beach and more.Key Features Lightweight and portable Quick to assemble and pack down Weatherproof Powder-coated steel Flexible fibreglass spars Durable PE net Four ground pegs Bonus carry bag SPECIFICATIONBrand CentraMaterial Fibreglass steelNet PE (polyethylene)Weight 4.9kgDimension 210cm x 120cm x 120cm (W x D x H)Colour BlackPACKAGE CONTENTS1x Centra Soccer Rebounder Net 1x Accessories 1x Instruction Manual



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