
I m looking for a woman with a large clitoris for me to suck on for fun. I m Caucasian but I m open minded. I am only interested in a woman that live close to me in Jackson Michigan. Do not call or text me If you re out of town.I am 5 7 tall I weigh 210. I am totally Disease-free including my covert vaccinations. I m kind compassionate honest and I m passionate for life. I m not religious but I do follow the teachings of Buddha. I have good hygiene. I just turned 65 years old. I live alone with my little dog named Tootsie. I Would love to make you feel good in fact that s one of my passions I don t drive so you would need to come to me I live on the northwest side of Jackson near the Meijer store on Airport Road. Please when you respond tell me something about yourself i ve told you something about myself here I would like it if you could Do the same am only interested in a woman that live close to me.DO NOT USE the Classified ads message service that comes with this ad. TEXT ME INSTEAD AT. 248-376-3700 put clitoris in your opening statement to me.Clitoris



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