Hiring Head Chef (Korean Restaurant Full-Time)

Bap.zip in Thornhill ON is looking for a Head Chef Job Title Head ChefSalary 25- 30 HourJob Type Full-Time 35-40hrs wk PermanentPosition Available 1Work Location 5 Glen Cameron Rd Unit7 Thornhill ON L3T 5W2 Main duties Prepare and cook a wide range of Korean dishes properly (hot & cold). Develop new and creative recipes seasonal dishes cost-effective menus and specials of the day. Supervise all other kitchen staff In planning menus determine food portions and estimate food requirements and costs. Maintain inventory records of food food quality supplies and equipment. Ensure food meets standards and is consistently of a high quality. Ensure operation level profitability and client satisfaction. Train cooks in preparing Korean food by transferring expertise along with menu concepts and designs. Take part in recruiting and hire kitchen staff. Requirements 5 years of experience as cook chef OR the equivalent in both experience and training (e.g. graduation from an accredited culinary arts program). 2 years experience leading a culinary team Cook s trade certification or equivalent credentials training and experience cooking Korean food is a great asset Completion of Secondary School Strong leadership skills and team-oriented person English is required How to Apply Email bap.zip.hiring(at)gmail.com Bap.zip 5 Glen Cameron Rd Unit7Thornhill ON L3T 5W2



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