App Grading &ndash Atlantis

During this Evaluation project you will test and evaluate different apps available in the App Store to determine the usability efficiency and overall user experience and intent. This will be done by analysing the information provided in the App Store.PurposeThanks to this project we will improve the way different apps function in order to enhance the user experience in future versions.Main requirements You are based in one of the following countries Australia Canada UK USA In addition you must have been living in this location for a minimum of a year You are a native English speaker or have a very high level of this language. You have an IOS Device Compensation We will pay per hour of work. Other important information We will provide thorough instructions and guidelines to ensure you understand the nature of the work and perform successfully. We expect you to work a minimum of 15-20 hours per week. To apply s job atlantis-app-grading



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