Utility Operator

The Town of Grand Chute is accepting qualified applications for a full-time Utility Operator. This position performs water distribution and sanitary sewer collection system maintenance and repair tasks. Requirements include High school diploma or equivalent a valid CDL class B C D with N endorsement experience driving a commercial motor vehicle and three (3) years of water wastewater maintenance repair experience. The wage range is 21.31 to 27.39 per hour with expected hiring range between 21.31 and 24.35 per hour. The approved 2023 wage range is 25.52 to 32.82 per hour with an expected hiring range of 25.52 to 29.17 per hour depending on qualifications. Generous fringe benefits include employer contribution of 6.5% (6.8% in 2023) into Wisconsin Retirement System State of WI Health Insurance Vision Insurance 100% employer paid Dental Insurance Life Insurance and Disability Insurance Premiums 80 hours of paid holidays per year 8 hours of sick leave per month (accumulation to 960 hours) and sick leave incentive vacation leave and attractive work hours plus a welcoming and friendly work environment A detailed position description and application are available on the Town of Grand Chute s website s www.grandchute.net government page employment-opportunities . Please submit your application to hr(at)grandchutewi.gov. Applications received by September 26 2022 will receive best consideration. However applications will continued to be accepted until the position is filled.The Town of Grand Chute is an Equal Opportunity Employer and we encourage all qualified individuals to apply.Grand Chute population 23 495 is located in Wisconsin s Fox Cities region a metropolitan area of 370 000 residents. With a tax base of 2.3 billion Grand Chute is the area s commercial and retail center. The Fox River Mall anchors a regional shopping hospitality and entertainment district. Grand Chute is home to the main campus of Fox Valley Technical College Fox Cities Stadium (featuring the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers Class A affiliate of the Milwaukee Brewers) Gordon Bubolz Nature Preserve several community and neighborhood parks and an extensive network of pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The community features a strong and diverse employment base. Among our major employers are Pierce Manufacturing Presto Products McCain Foods USA Dixon Ticonderoga and Werner Electric. Check out the Fox Cities Visitors Destination Guide for things to do in and around Grand Chute s issuu.com adlit docs fox_cities_official_destination_guide



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