Huge Colorado Ranch Land with Power

Are you prepared to savor the mountain views This larger parcel has numerous construction sites views of the mountains and access off Starbuck Rd. It has 109 acres of rolling land. Along Starbuck Rd electrical wires may be seen. Installing septic systems and hauling water is both options. It is 60 kilometers to Pueblo and 22 miles away from Walsenburg.For horse owners hunters and other outdoor lovers this property is ideal since it is situated in the Turkey Ridge Ranch Subdivision which borders 6080 acres of BLM land on the Cuchara River Canyon. Numerous animals including bobcats mountain lions deer antelope turkeys and elk are drawn to this canyon. There are seven days a year that you can camp on the site. While during construction you are permitted to live in an RV for six months.The property has stunning views of Greenhorn Mountain to the west Pikes Peak to the north Culebra Peak to the south and numerous cedar-covered peaks. Not to mention that it takes 1 hour 46 minutes to get to Great Sand Dunes National Park and 37 minutes to get to Walsenburg Wild Waters.Come and take advantage of the expansive landscapes and easy BLM access that the Turkey Ridge Ranch provides.-Denver International Airport - 3 hr 8 mins away -St. Mary Corwin Hospital - 1 hr 14 mins away -Fountain Shopping Center - 56 mins away -The Main Event - 37 mins away -Pueblo Mountain Park - 1 hr 22 mins away -Rye Mountain Park - 1 hr 2 mins away -Walsenburg Wild Waters - 37 mins away -Great Sand Dunes National Park - 1 hr 46 mins away



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