Well Socialized Healthy Labradoodle Pups

These beautiful labradoodle pups are in search for their new families. These loving pups have been raised around children since birth. Pups are expected to have good temperaments. Pups are healthy as they have been dewormed several times and have had their first two puppy vaccines. Proof will be provided. Pups are using the doggy door to go outside to potty. Both parents have passed their full panel breed specific health testing. Parents are great around children with good temperaments. Parents are also up to date on all vaccines heartwormer flea and tick prevention. Dam is a AKC Labrador Retriever and sire is a AKC Standard Poodle. Prices have been drastically been dropped to help these babies find their new families. Please text me at 615-920-119nine for more information. Thank you.



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