Engineering Technician - NEW HIGHER PAY

How to ApplyYou MUST apply online at s 3edasnz by September 16 2022 at midnight EST to be considered. NCDOT is a Great Place to Work.Don t take our word for it. Read what our people are saying at s NCDOTGreatPlaceToWork.We are the highest rated state agency for employee satisfaction on Glassdoor with 200 reviews. New Higher Salary 37 577 - 65 760 The ChallengeWe are looking for an Engineering Technician to join our District 1 Field Office. In this role you will Support senior engineering technicians and engineers in construction inspection surveying material sampling and testing and construction traffic control. Perform standardized and non-standardized tests and assignments in compiling analyzing computing editing and processing field data. Supervise junior technicians and CEI staff. Assist incoordinating work assignments. Lead highway construction surveying and layouts. Keep diaries on project operations. Complete material reports document pay records perform construction calculations and enter data using laptop iPad. What You Bring Strong recordkeeping skills. Ability to obtain maintain certifications required to perform material sampling and testing. Knowledge and understanding of NCDOT highway and bridge construction. Understanding of construction contracts plans standards and specifications. Experience performing inspections sampling and materials testing (concrete and asphalt density) to ensure NCDOT specification compliance. Computer skills using a laptop iPad HiCams and SharePoint software. Math skills to perform construction-related calculations. Working knowledge of pay record book entries and material received reports. Teamwork skills to establish and maintain positive communication between other technicians engineers contractors and the public. Ability to make good independent decision-making and good use of judgement. Experience documenting and taking corrective actions and applying safety philosophy program to all operations. Ability to manually and electronically complete daily diaries survey notes and other record-keeping items. Learning skills to acquire certifications such as QMS Asphalt Concrete Testing and Borrow Pit Sampling. Strength to lift 40-50 pounds. Able to work in high traffic areas at heights over water or traffic extreme temperatures and uneven terrain. Management PrefersCandidates with a Driver s License. Education & ExperienceAssociate s degree in Civil Engineering Technology Survey Technology or a related field and 2 years relevant technician-level experience or An equivalent combination of training and experience. NotesYou may be required to work nights weekends holidays and extended hours when needed. Safety toe shoes are required. Questions Call me Christina Spruill at 252.482.1850. Connect to NCDOT Careers onLinkedIn s in ncdot-careers See all NCDOT jobs at s ncdotjobs



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