Ultimate American Heritage Gift

We all know that one person that has to be on the trail. Our gift box is the perfect gift for those who believe as Teddy Roosevelt did that The farther one gets into the wilderness the greater is the attraction of its lonely freedom. We provide a unique gift that honors the American pastime of hiking and the American spirit of self-reliance exploration and rugged individualism. Box Includes Take a Hike Tri-Blend T-Shirt Embroidered Mountain Cap Survival Water Filtration Straw UCO Fire Starting Kit Outlaw Mountain Hideout Soap Coleman 27 Piece First Aid Kit Heart of the Outdoors Bible Orange Reflective Trail Marking Tacks Liberty Eagle Zipper Pull Additional Resources- Pocket Constitution The Life of Jesus DVD 28 Principles of Liberty card Your 5 Duties as a Christian Citizen Booklet and Only One Life poem by C.T. Studd



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