S320 integrated air quality monitor from gaxce sensors

An integrated air quality monitor uses advanced sensor components for analyzing atmospheric air quality. As well as monitoring PM1.0/PM2.5/PM10, formaldehyde content, TVOC comprehensive content, ozone content, etc., the instrument can analyze these data in a comprehensive way. The air quality is displayed in English characters as a table. An air quality monitor will be powered on for 100 seconds, and then the countdown will end and the various indicators will be displayed directly. As standard features, the machine has a rechargeable lithium ion battery, a clock chip, a temperature display, an atmospheric humidity display, and an alarm if concentrations exceed the limit. Home indoor environment, office environment, hospital, taxi cab, station, school, etc., are all uses for integrated air quality monitors. To contact Gaxce Sensors, please email [email protected] You can reach us at + 91-9673123829. Kindly visit our website so you will get more product information. https://gaxcesensors.com



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