Team Lead - Retail Resets and Remodels

TouchPoint360 brings years of experience helping leading organizations create stunning in-store experiences for their customers.TouchPoint360 currently hiring experienced Team Leads in the merchandising industry who live in the Midwest to join our travel teams. This will be a full time 30 35 hours a week position with a compensation of 17 - 19 hr. depending on experience. You must be able to travel and be gone three to four weeks at a time.Benefits Access to our Employee Assistance Program Health Insurance 401K with company match after completing one year and 1 000 hours worked We pay overtime mileage per diem book hotel and car rentals. Job ResponsibilitiesLead and direct team on each project Moving Fixtures Stocking shelves Merchandising Product Set up planograms The shift could be days or nights depending on the project QualificationsMust be willing to travel and be gone 3-4 weeks at a time Pass a post-offer drug test and background check Comfortable leading and directing Merchandisers Comfortable communicating with store management Can customize and work in of NOP items. Able to access POGs for use in the store and have the knowledge to correctly report a completed reset Must be able to stand bend and lift product under 50lbs consistently Must possess a valid driver s license reliable source of transportation and current insurance coverage on vehicle If you are interested please submit your resume to stella.brinkman(at) OR you can APPLY HERE s apply hes3HkBsbb Team-Lead-Retail-Resets-And-Remodels referrer 2022092221114118HIBJFJGC83GKJG



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