Long Pin Flat Slicker Brush for Dogs

A full line of professional grooming tools designed with the professional in mind. We have the right tool for every job. Perfect for use at home or in the grooming shop. These tools have comfortable grips stainless steel pins and durable construction. All tools have a hang tag for easy display. 4.5 x 2.5 pad size.Remove tangles and knots in long and unruly coats Long sparse pins get down to the root and remove the hard-to-reach undercoat Thins and separate hairs within the coat for lift and volume The flexible cushion pad is gentle and forgiving Extremely curved back allows more control and movement A long ergonomic handle helps with hand and arm fatigue View this item For More Email goldendoodlessandiego(at)gmail.com Web www.sandiego-goldendoodle.com Phone 17607086409 Address 2515 Valetta Ln Alpine CA 91901 United States



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