Hiring a kitchen helper

Hiring a kitchen helper Qualification - Completion of secondary school is preferred but not required.- Having previous kitchen helper experience is an asset. Training will be provided.- Able to work flexible schedule including weekend and evening and holiday shifts.- Food Safe certificate is a definite asset.- English is required for this position. Main duties - Wash peel and trim raw food materials including meat vegetables and fruits.- Wash and clean worktables cupboards and appliances.- Sweep and mop kitchen floors.- Unpack and store food supplies and record inventory.- Assist and help cooks Working hours 37.5 hours per week (full-time permanent position) a full-time kitchen helper is preferred but applicant interested in part-time work will be considered. Wage & Benefits - 15.65 per hour- 4% vacation pay or 10 days of paid vacation per year free meal at work and group insurance after one year of employment Please send your resume to bearcountryterracehr(at)gmail.com Bear Country Inn (Bear Country Inn Ltd.) 4702 Lakelse Ave. Terrace BC V8G 1R6



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