Hainan Qingtuo Technology Co., Ltd.

Hainan Qingtuo Technology Co., Ltd. was established in1996. As a manufacturer with 25 years experienced in high-temperature alloy products, we have a professional service team to provide high standard of technical support, timely and qualified delivery, customs clearance assistance, and reliable after-sales services, etc. After 25 years of development, Qingtuo has now grown up to over 200 employees, half of whom have worked in high-temperature alloy industry for more than 10 years. Besides, we possess 15 product experts and experienced technicians to ensure the product quality. Qingtuo has the international advanced special metallurgical capabilities, including 6-ton Vacuum Induction furnace, 6-ton Vacuum Arc Remelting, 18-ton Electroslag Remelting and 18-ton Argon Protection Electroslag Remelting, 20-ton AOD refining furnace, 20-ton LF refining durance, 20-ton VOD refining furnace, production line, 25MN & 8MN forging machines, type 450 & 320 rolling machine, type 90 straightening machine, type 40 straightening machine with 7 rollers hyperbolic curve, type 40 straightening machine with 11 rollers, type 100 flaying machine, type 40 flaying machine, type 83 centerless grinding machine and type 80 centerless grinding machine.



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