Firewood For Sale

Firewood For Sale First come first serve We carry pine cedar and oak We deliver honest 4x4x8 (128 ft. ) full cords. No BS half truck beds or whatnot. Logs are cut to 16 inchesPrices are as below Pine 300 cord or 175 half cordCedar 500 cord or 275 half cordOak 675 cord or 375 half cordWe deliver within 5 miles of Colorado City Arizona. Anything over 5 miles will incur a charge 1.55 per mile there and back.Custom amounts and log sizes available.Coming soon Stretch wrapped cord and half cord pallets will be available Call or text (928) 614-5106 or (435) 574-8514 to place orders Prices are subject to change due to rising costs so buy now to save later Disclaimer logs sometimes vary plus or minus one inch due to knots or other natural deformities found in wood.



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