Visiting Home maker

Doreen from Thornhill is looking for a visiting homemaker to help her take care of her 79 year old husband who had stroke he needs assitance with personal care. Job detailsSalary 17.50 hour Full time 40 hours week to start as soon as possibleJob open to Visible minorities Persons with disabilities Indigenous people Newcomers to Canada Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada have a valid Canadian work permit.Job requirementsLanguages EnglishEducation Secondary (high) school graduation certificateExperience 1 year to less than 2 yearsIf you are not authorized to work in Canada do not apply. I will not respond to your application. The job will include taking care of my husband needs and General cooking cleaning around the house. How to applyBy emailiaimmigration5(at)gmail.comor Doreenwolpert99(at)



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