Sentaiyuan biotechnology co, ltd

Sentaiyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer located in Sichuan. We specializes in healthy and fresh konjac food for global food importers and supermarkets. The main products we specialize in are as follows: Konjac noodle (shiraraki noodle), angle hair, spaghetti, fettuccine, penne, lasagne, flavored konjac noodles, konjac rice, konjac flour and other series of konjac food. Our company offers an extensive range of healthy, natural konjac products. We are the only manufacturer in China who obtains organic certificates for both konjac products and planting base. All our products are GMO free and allergens free and its associated facilities are HACCP, BRC and IFS certified. We closely work together with our customers to deliver innovative solution to their specific need for their product development and applications. CONTACT US: Website: Tel: 0086 137 9535 1428 E-mail: [email protected] Add: Group2, Fenghuang, Jianhe, Muchuan, Leshan City, Sichuan Province, China



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