NFL Jacksonville Jaguars Mascot doll Jaxson De Ville

SHOW OFF YOUR NFL TEAMS MASCOT AS YOU RIDE NFL Jacksonville Jaguars Mascot Doll Jaxson De Ville.Brand new (store tags are cut off) But still has the company tag.Made by a company licensed with the NFL called FOCO. Not available on their website. Not available online . Rare item. Makes a great gift for any Jag fan and kids love it People honked their horns at me especially in Jacksonville.People have been asking me how I kept him on my back pack when I ride so I will tell. The hardware is not included.A photo of the hardware I used in in the photos on ebay 2 small eye hooks with 2 nuts and 4 washers. The back pack is a motorcycle hard shell back pack. I drilled 2 small holes and put 2 eye hooks and screwed them on . Then I used a long piece of black 550 paracord to tie him on using a cris cross you can see in photo. Purchase here on EBAY s itm 385144757846



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