10 Acres - 1.87 Miles South of Barstow Outlet Center (Barstow CA

A Nice 10 ACRES Parcel of Raw land in the border of Lucerne Valley and Barstow. Located about 1.87 Miles South of Outlet Center Dr. No Legal Access known but there are several Trails that Off Roaders use throughout the area. May need a 4x4 high profile vehicle or a Quad to access it. Fwy 15 is visible from the land. Ideal for camping and entertaining bring your motor home your quads your motorcycles or just keep it as an investment. This area has lots of Off Road Activities on regular Weekends and Holidays. I am a real estate broker and the owner of the land. I may carry the note with 17 000 Down and Balance (at)8% Interest for no more than 3 Years. (Approximately payments of 877.42 for 36 months).



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