Beautiful CKC Female Pomeranian Puppy

Beautiful CKC Female Pomeranian Puppy born April 13 2022.Raised under foot in our home with children dogs and cat s to be well socialized and adjusted for a loving home.Vet checked dewormed fecal tested utd on shots vet health certificate vet health record booklet 1 year genetic health guarantee CKC Registration Papers puppy starter gift bag.Foxy is a tiny sweet affectionate girl She currently is going through her puppy uglies but will have a stunning thick double coat when her adult coat comes in. Amazing profile coby body. She is a very light cream sable which looks almost silver. Currently weights 3.1lbs. Foxy will be no more than 3.5lbs as an adult.Foxy is ready Please text call 912-584-5193



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