IELTS Exam is Essential for Availing Study Abroad Visa

The most widely used English language exam for job study and immigration is called IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Your proficiency in the four language abilities to listen read write and speak is evaluated on the test. You can avail of IELTS coaching in Kozhikode. Additionally you can select the Academic or General Training test options. While the General Training IELTS is used for career and immigration purposes the Academic IELTS at the IELTS centers in Kozhikode is necessary for entrance to universities and colleges. The best institutions and colleges in the world recognize your IELTS scores as proof of your English language skills. More governments than any other English language exam recognize IELTS as a prerequisite for permanent residency. Results from the IELTS are recognized by the governments of the UK Australia Canada and New Zealand. The IELTS score you need after availing Free IELTS course in Kozhikode will vary depending on your visa s criteria. Visit for details.Location 2nd Floor NH Tower Palarivattom Edappally PO Near Palarivattom Flyover Ernakulam Kochi. Kerala-682024E-mail - info(at) - 91 9645511100



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