Tutors (English MathScience AP Tutors French)

Bestwin Academy is hiring a multitude of online tutors to connect with our students through online platforms such as Zoom. Tutors will work on a flexible basis online (may occasionally come on-site to office if needed). We are looking to hire the following number of tutors for the following subjects English tutors (approximately 20-25 tutors) -Writing for elementary schools-Essay writing for secondary schools and literary analysis for secondary schools-AP English (composition literature) SAT ACT Reading and Writing-IELTS TOEFL CELPIP preparationMath Science Tutors (approximately 10 tutors) -Math (Kangaroo Singapore SSAT math)-Math Contests (AMC 8 10 12 Waterloo math competitions from Gr. 7 to 12 SAT ACT)-Physics Chemistry Biology 11 and 12 AP Calculus Physics Chemistry Biology-Science 10 for secondary schoolsAP Tutors (approximately 10 tutors) -AP Economics (Macro Mirco)-AP Psychology AP Work History-AP Computer Studies Statistics Geography-AP French SpanishQualifications -College diploma or equivalent-2 years of related tutoring experience in related subjects-English fluency-Strong interest in teaching and tutoring-Strong subject knowledge-Quick learner and committedJoin us today and teach tomorrow Please email your resume and indicate your teaching subjects and salary expectations to bestwinacademy(at)gmail.com.



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