PR 1333304General Labour

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Winnipeg Manitoba R3l 2R1 is currently hiring a PR 1333304 General Labour Job Description General Labourer PeopleReady ofWinnipeg MB is now hiring General Labourers As a General Labourer you will do a variety of work in different industries. Apply today and you could start as soon as tomorrow. No resume or interview required - yep you read that right. For more information or assistance Call or Text our Branch at (204) 989-7590 or stop by our office at28 Queen Elizabeth Way Winnipeg MN R3L 2R1. As a PeopleReady associate you ll benefit from The freedom to work where you want when you want and as often as you want. Next-day pay for many of our open positions. The ability to choose long-term positions for steady work or short-term positions if you just want some extra cash. Pay Rate The pay rate for this job is 14 - 24 Hour What you ll be doing as a General Labourer Perform general site clean-up Move load or unload materials Assist in light construction if necessary Remove debris and trash from work site Some specialized tasks may require on-the job training Use equipment depending on the jobsite assignment Available shifts Shift timings - 1st Shift (Day) 2nd Shift (Evening) and Weekends Job requirements Strong work ethic Able to stand on your feet for long periods of time Able to work in all weather conditions Able to lift light to heavy objects Ready to take control of the way you work Complete our application to join the PeopleReady team today. In case you missed it no resumes or interviews are required Some jobs pay weekly TIER2



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