3-Bedroom Lakewood Home Nearby Several Wonderful Parks and The S

4434 Josie Avenue Lakewood CA 90713 Welcome to this highly desired Carson Park area of Lakewood where this home sits on a large corner lot of a tree-lined street. A leaded glass front door invites you into an open floor plan and living room with a large bay window that floods the room with natural light onto the glossy redone hardwood flooring that can be found throughout. A formal dining room with wainscoting adjoins an upgraded kitchen with granite countertops and backsplash wood cabinetry and a French door going out to a side patio perfect for barbecuing. A spacious family room off the kitchen has a raised brick fireplace access to a full bathroom a sliding glass door leading outside to a private yard and another patio. The staircase in the family room takes you up to a loft ideal for an office or 4th bedroom plus there are installed hookups available for adding a half bath. Back downstairs are three bedrooms all with ceiling fans the primary bedroom the largest can accommodate king-size furniture. Another second full bath has a soaking tub a step-in shower and a granite-topped vanity sink. Recessed lighting forced air and heat makes this home comfortable year-round plus a two-car garage and wide driveway offer convenient parking. The schools for this home are Cleveland Elementary Bancroft Middle and Lakewood High. Nearby are several wonderful parks and The San Gabriel River Nature Trail.Allison Van Wig CA DRE 00985700 Van Wig and Associates www.SuperBroker.com 562-882-1581



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